UFIN Group: Paving the Way for Web3 Adoption and Digital Transformation in Vietnam


As the digital economy and emerging technologies continue to accelerate worldwide, Vietnam has emerged as a vibrant hub for innovation. One company at the forefront of this transformation is UFIN Group, a UK and Vietnam-based blockchain organization working to advance the development and application of distributed ledger technologies. Through strategic partnerships, workforce training initiatives, and investment activities, UFIN is helping position Vietnam as a leader in Web3 while creating new opportunities for students and professionals.

About UFIN Group 

Founded in 2018, UFIN Group is a multifaceted fintech and blockchain company comprised of various business units including UFIN Fintech, UFIN Web3 Incubator, UFIN ID Lab, and UFIN VC. The organization's mission is to unlock the potential of distributed technologies and accelerate digital transformation through collaboration with partners, startups, governments, academia and communities.

Operating out of offices in Vietnam and the UK, UFIN employs a diverse team of over 100 including software engineers, researchers, investment professionals, and training specialists. Notable members of UFIN's leadership include Founder Lucid Hoang as well as Co-Founder and CEO Hoang Phuc Thanh, both seasoned entrepreneurs with a proven track record of building successful technology companies. 

Beyond its own operations, UFIN has established strategic partnerships with various organizations working in adjacent industries. This includes collaborations with groups focused on digital ID solutions, e-government applications, e-commerce enablement, and more. Through these alliances, UFIN is well-positioned at the center of Vietnam's emerging digital economy.

Advancing Vietnam's Digital Transformation Agenda

A core focus of UFIN Group is supporting Vietnam's national digital transformation strategy. The country has made developing its digital infrastructure and skilled tech workforce top priorities under the Vietnamese Government's Digital Technology Program. UFIN is actively engaged in initiatives that directly address these objectives.

For example, UFIN's Web3 Incubator and VC arms promote the growth of startups leveraging technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and mixed reality. By nurturing promising tech ventures, UFIN helps spawn new solutions that can modernize industries and public services. The company has also partnered with academic institutions to launch training programs, certifications, and seminars centered around high-demand skills like blockchain development, data science, and cybersecurity. 

This commitment to workforce development aligns with Vietnam's goal of cultivating 500,000 digital talent by 2025. Initiatives spearheaded by UFIN include the Web3 Job Fair which connected students to career opportunities, as well as educational tie-ups that establish degree and certificate pathways for digital careers. Such programs are vital for ensuring Vietnam has a steady pipeline of qualified professionals as emerging technologies continue disrupting the economy.

Mr. Johnny Hoang - CEO UFIN Group shared positive views about Web3:

 "Web3 will reshape the way in which all areas operate: ownership, economics, identity, creativity...I believe that Web3 Era will break all limits, give power to all users and create a real freedom world."


Supporting the Growth of Vietnam’s Startup Ecosystem

While advancing digital transformation on a national scale, UFIN also dedicates resources toward growing Vietnam's thriving startup culture. Through its UFIN Incubator and VC arms, the company nurtures early-stage tech ventures leveraging innovations like blockchain, AI, and IoT.

Some notable portfolio companies include Cowboy Snake, Zuki Moba,..... By providing these businesses with funding, workspaces, mentorship and access to partnerships, UFIN helps move bold new ideas from concept to commercialization. The incubator has already supported over 50 startups and helped facilitate several funding rounds totaling millions of dollars.

UFIN itself has also raised substantial capital to further its vision. This includes a $21 million Seed round in 2021 that will allow for expanding operations across Vietnam and Southeast Asia. The company aims to strengthen existing partnerships while cultivating new alliances that catalyze technology adoption, skills development and entrepreneurship nationwide.

As a major player in Vietnam's blockchain ecosystem, UFIN Group is well-positioned to spearhead the country's digital transformation. Through initiatives focused on education, incubation, investment and collaboration - UFIN is helping actualize Vietnam's potential as a global leader in emerging technologies.

By nurturing blockchain and tech startups, cultivating job opportunities, and advancing national digital strategies, the company is leaving an indelible mark. UFIN exemplifies how the public and private sector must work as synergistic partners to realize new frontiers of innovation. As the organization continues to grow, so too will Vietnam cement its status as a vibrant hub where East meets West in the new digital world.

UFIN Group: A Leader Poised to Capture Vietnam's Massive Web3 Opportunity 

As the next generation of the internet takes shape, new markets are emerging around blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and decentralized applications. Collectively called "Web3", this new internet paradigm is expected to grow into a multi-trillion dollar economy over the coming decades. Vietnam is well positioned to become a major player in this expansive new industry, and one company leading the charge is UFIN Group.

  • Vietnam's Web3 Potential 

Home to over 100 million digitally native citizens, Vietnam has all the ingredients needed for massive Web3 adoption and economic opportunity. The country boasts high-speed internet infrastructure, widespread smartphone penetration, a thriving startup culture and increasingly youthful population eager to engage with emerging technologies. 

From a marketing perspective, Vietnam represents a huge untapped market for Web3-enabled services, platforms and digital assets. The industry is still nascent, leaving ample room for first movers to establish themselves as prominent brands. Further tailwinds include the country's dynamic GDP growth, expanding middle class and supportive government policies around technology and skills development.

UFIN is uniquely situated to tap into Vietnam's Web3 potential given its established local presence and experience nurturing tech talent/entrepreneurship. The company's strong positioning and first-mover advantages give it significant competitive edge as a gateway for introducing Vietnam's citizens and businesses to blockchain opportunities. With few direct competitors at this stage, UFIN is poised for substantial market capture as Web3 adoption accelerates.

  • Investment Thesis 

As a startup transforming Vietnam's digital landscape, UFIN offers attractive upside for investors. Near-term catalysts include launching additional accelerator/incubation programs, expanding workforce partnerships, facilitating public sector blockchain trials and cultivating new funding rounds. 

Medium-term, success producing real-world applications and job opportunities will strengthen network effects. Over 5-10 years, UFIN's integrated ecosystem approach could make it a leading regional Web3 brand with multiplier revenues from incubation success fees, job placement services, technology solutions and more. 

Key fundamentals include a seasoned leadership team, strong strategic partnerships, first-mover status in a massive emerging Vietnamese market, and proven ability to raise substantial capital from prominent backers. UFIN represents an opportunity for investors to gain exposure to Vietnam's digital boom while potentially capitalizing on outsized returns from an ascendant multi-service blockchain platform.

  • Marketing Strategies 

From a marketing perspective, UFIN is well positioned to engage, educate and empower Vietnam's digitally native population. Beyond establishing formal partnerships, the company could elevate its profile through community engagement initiatives like:

UFIN signed a contract with the Faculty of Banking and Finance - Ton Duc Thang University

- Organizing crypto/blockchain meetup groups, conferences and hackathons 

- Launching educational social media campaigns to introduce concepts like decentralized finance, NFT collecting and beyond

- Partnering with universities/vocational programs to integrate Web3 curriculum and promote careers 

- Curating jobs/internships board to directly link students/professionals with emerging opportunities

- Establishing ambassador programs to activate local crypto/tech influencers

- Sponsoring cultural events and integrating with video games/esports to reach younger demographics

- Developing branded educational content/tutorials accessible online and via messaging apps

By weaving itself into the fabric of local crypto communities and promoting pathways to participate, UFIN can increase adoption of its platforms and services while capturing mindshare as Vietnam's gateway to Web3.

With first-mover advantage in one of the world's largest emerging markets primed for blockchain, UFIN Group is exceedingly well positioned for long-term growth and investment potential. As the company continues building strategic partnerships and developing real-world applications, it will cement its status as a leader powering Vietnam's digital transformation and entry into the new decentralized digital economy.

Key Factors for Marketing Success in Emerging Tech Projects Like UFIN Group

As UFIN Group continues to establish itself as a leader in Vietnam's burgeoning Web3 sector, strong marketing will remain crucial for long-term growth and impact. Here are some of the major factors the company should focus on for continued success:

  • Community Building

Developing a robust, engaged community around the organization's products, services and mission is paramount. Efforts should center around activating local advocates, organizers grassroots meetups, incentivizing contributors and nurturing a spirit of shared progress.

  • Education & Awareness

Given the nascency of Web3 concepts in Vietnam, educational outreach remains important for driving adoption. Content should introduce principles in accessible ways while promoting real-world applications and pathways to participation. Partnering with educators can further awareness.

  • Localization & Relevance  

Adapting campaigns, materials and partnerships to local cultural contexts will resonate more deeply. Tapping influencers with regional authenticity can boost word-of-mouth. Solutions must address issues citizens directly care about to justify the "killer app" potential of emerging technologies.

  • Experience Design

Intuitive, delightful user experiences atop blockchain infrastructure will breed long-term loyalty and advocacy. Creative blending of Web3's principles with familiar interactions optimizes accessibility and lowers perceptual barriers.

  • Strategic Partnerships  

Collaborations with complementary entities spanning sectors like development, education and media multiply marketing reach exponentially. Joint initiatives establish UFIN as integral to Vietnam's digital awakening in many stakeholders' eyes. 

  • Data & Optimization

Leveraging behavioral analytics and A/B testing reveals what captivates target demographics and strengthens engagement over time. Iteratively refining strategies based on hard insights ensures maximum impact from every promotional campaign.

By focusing acutely on these major pillars, UFIN Group can optimize its efforts to successfully drive Web3 adoption throughout Vietnam for years to come. Community and experience must come before sales to cultivate true, lasting impact.

UFIN Group: 👉 Website | Telegram | Facebook  | Twitter | LinkedIn | Youtube |

This article is part of the "Project Collabs" series presented by Fintech24h, a leading blockchain marketing agency, and CMO Intern, a media platform for marketers. Through strategic collaboration, both companies aim to provide in-depth analyses of innovative projects in the decentralized technology space that have the potential to impact various industries at a global scale.


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UFIN Group is one of the pioneering organizations in promoting the development of blockchain technology in Vietnam. With the goal of bringing benefits to society through technological innovation and enhancing digital capabilities for individuals, UFIN is actively contributing to the country's digital transformation direction and fostering the development of the startup ecosystem.

With the platforms, training programs, and strategic partnerships that UFIN is implementing, the company is creating new job opportunities for talented young people in Vietnam to participate in the industrial revolution 4.0. At the same time, UFIN also provides favorable conditions for many promising technology startups to launch innovative products and services.

By continuously improving capabilities and expanding operational scale, I believe that UFIN will contribute even more to the development of Vietnam's digital economy in the future.

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