Discover the Motivations of a Tech Visionary: In Conversation with Vincent Nguyen, Founder of Fintech24h


Vincent Nguyen is a passionate entrepreneur and founder of the young generation in the startup ecosystem in Vietnam. Through various business ventures, especially Fintech24h and CMO Intern, Vincent Nguyen has established himself as a visionary leader who understands how to exploit technology effectively. Instead of pursuing short-term profits, Vincent is committed to using its resources and investments to build a thriving startup ecosystem, empower talented individuals, and create social impact positive.

By focusing on new technology areas that he is passionate about, playfully called the technology group (A, B, C, D, and Q -  AI, Blockchain, Biotech, Cloud, Data, Quantum) brings believes at the forefront of some of the most advanced and groundbreaking technologies. However, his true passion lies not in any single technology but in developing people and communities. For Vincent, business success is about more than just financial profits - it's about developing sustainable solutions that create shared prosperity and progress for society as a whole.

Building Success through Market-Driven Innovation  

Vincent Nguyen launched his first startup, Fintech24h from an idea in 2021 to provide marketing services to blockchain and cryptocurrency companies. What started as a small marketing agency has since grown into a multi-disciplinary business with over 50 employees focusing on areas such as blockchain, AI and the metaverse. Through customized marketing programs and strategic consulting, Fintech24h helps accelerate technology startups to expand globally and reach their full potential.

The key to Fintech24h's development is a strong focus on understanding customer needs and market trends. Instead of imposing rigid ideas from the top down, Nguyen takes a needs-driven approach, where the business continuously evolves based on feedback. For example, in response to growing interest in community and Web3, Fintech24h launched new community building services while deepening its expertise in key areas such as NFT, DeFi and GameFi.

Under the leadership of Vincent Nguyen and the leadership team, Fintech24h is not only financially successful but also helps many other business projects expand quickly. By supporting startups using emerging technologies, Fintech24h plays a key role in driving innovation and progress across many sectors. Vincent attributes the company's achievements to its people-centered culture, where employees are empowered to learn, develop as leaders and actively shape the business in collaborative ways .

Nurturing Talent and Building the Founder Ecosystem

In addition to running companies, Vincent is passionate about developing promising founders and future leaders together through networking and mentoring. Realizing that Southeast Asia was ripe with untapped business potential, he founded CMO Intern soon after to provide hands-on training for budding marketers at companies. Startups are thriving.

Through a combination of mentoring, skill-building workshops, and internship placements, CMO Intern helps train passionate individuals to become highly competent marketing professionals. Instead of outsourcing lower-level work, participating startups work closely with interns to impart knowledge while benefiting from fresh perspectives. CMO Intern has helped more than 50 individuals launch fulfilling marketing careers while making meaningful contributions to companies.

Looking ahead, Vincent Nguyen hopes to establish a “Founders Fund” – an investment vehicle dedicated to empowering the next generation of founders. By investing in talented entrepreneurs solving grand challenges through technology, Founders Fund seeks to drive innovation, job creation and shared prosperity at a larger scale. For Nguyen, the real reward lies not only in financial returns but also in the positive impact created from supporting visionary founders who shape our future.

Building a Legacy of Progress and Purpose

Through his multifaceted ventures, Vincent Nguyen is weaving together the threads of technology development, business growth and talent cultivation into a cohesive tapestry. Rather than ephemeral success, his overarching goal is establishing thriving, sustainable ecosystems that outlive any single company or individual. For Vincent, the measure of impact is not what can be achieved in a single lifetime but the enduring legacies and progress enabled for generations to come. 

By believing in people's potential and fostering collaboration over competition, Vincent envisions communities where innovation, entrepreneurship and excellence are celebrated. Through the Founder Fund concept, he hopes to preserve inspiring founder stories and values of grit, optimism and social responsibility permanently for future audiences. If realized, Vincent's vision could seed profound change across Vietnam's startup landscape while leaving an indelible mark on its thriving digital future.

In championing technology for good, Vincent offers a rallying cry—that by mobilizing today's talent and possibilities, we can together build a shared tomorrow far brighter than what any single path could attain alone. It is through the merging of hearts and hands, the blending of skills and dreams, that humanity progresses closest to its greatest ideals of justice, prosperity and brotherhood. In this spirit, Vincent Nguyen continues empowering founders and shaping a future worthy of our highest aspirations.

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