17 Essential AI Tools for SEO in 2023 and Beyond

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17 Essential AI Tools for SEO in 2023 and Beyond

Optimizing websites, blogs and other digital properties for search engines has always required time and testing different strategies. However, artificial intelligence is now revolutionizing how SEO is done through powerful tools that streamline processes and provide actionable insights. 

This guide covers 17 of the top AI SEO tools that every marketer should know about. We'll explore what each tool is capable of and how you can leverage their features to improve rankings, generate more traffic and boost conversions.

How Marketers are Using AI

To understand how AI fits into modern SEO strategies, it's important to recognize how marketers are already utilizing different AI applications. A survey of over 1350 professionals revealed:

- 48% use generative AI for research purposes like finding new topics and trends. 

- 45% leverage AI systems for content creation tasks such as writing blog posts and articles. 

- 22% said their main use of AI is to generate new ideas for campaigns and assets.

- 70% view generative AI as critical to their overall content marketing approach.

These insights demonstrate AI's growing importance amongst marketers. By adopting the right SEO tools, you can streamline workflows and produce better optimized content.

17 Essential AI Tools for SEO in 2023 and Beyond

What is AI SEO?

Simply put, AI SEO refers to leveraging artificial intelligence technologies to improve a website's organic search performance. Many tools apply machine learning algorithms to website code and content to surface optimization opportunities and technical issues impacting rankings. Others generate new text and data specifically crafted for search engines.

See more: How AI Engine Optimization (AIEO) Could Disrupt SEO in the Coming Years

17 Top AI SEO Tools for 2023

The following AI-powered applications should be on every SEO professional's radar to take their optimization to the next level:

1. Jasper

Jasper is an AI writing assistant that businesses are using to automate content creation at scale. Marketers provide a topic and Jasper returns optimized blog posts, emails, social captions and more based on internal brand datasets. It comes pre-loaded with over 50 templates.

2. AlliAI

AlliAI's AI-based optimization features like Bulk Onpage Optimization and Live Page Optimization allow users to scan entire sites and instantly deploy code-level fixes to common issues. It also provides real-time recommendations as pages are edited.

3. Pro Rank Tracker

Rather than manually searching keywords, Pro Rank Tracker monitors rankings automatically each day and on-demand. It also tracks rankings across different regions worldwide in multiple languages through its international tracking feature.

4. RankIQ

Created for bloggers, RankIQ identifies top keyword opportunities and provides optimized blog briefs using AI. It also helps optimize existing underperforming blog posts in minutes by flagging what to add or remove based on its analysis.

5. INK

INK goes beyond keyword research by harnessing its machine learning to find the most relevant topics, questions and trends discussed by top-ranking pages for any query. It can then generate AI-written content leveraging this competitive intelligence.

6. HubSpot AI Tools

HubSpot offers AI-powered features across its marketing platform. This includes an AI content assistant for blog drafting, SEO auditing capabilities, and smart optimizations directly within the CMS editor interface based on learned best practices.

7. SEO.ai

SEO.ai streamlines content generation through AI-aided outlining and writing. It also evaluates topics and keywords more effectively by analyzing real search behavior and ranking factor patterns. Customers gain granular SEO scoring of pages through built-in auditing functionality as well.  

8. Paraphrasingtool.ai

With its paraphrasing modes optimized for SEO, Paraphrasingtool.ai helps generate fresh spins of webpages suitable for republishing to withstand duplicate content penalties. Several helper tools are also available like keyword research, competitive analysis and internal link building suggestions.

9. NeuronWriter

NeuronWriter uses NLP techniques to examine top-performing pages and provide recommendations for improving underperforming pages based on detected opportunities. The AI writer creates drafts aligned with proven strategies while the internal linking feature suggests relevant on-site connections.

10. OutRanking

OutRanking analyzes top search results and produces AI-generated page briefs, outlines and drafts demonstrating proven optimizations. Marketers can then edit these templates or leverage them as-is knowing the content aligns with ranking factors.

11. Diib

Diib's personalized growth plans powered by its AI engine surface action items based on risks and opportunities identified from scanning a website and its performance metrics. Daily health scores and alerts keep marketing teams accountable.

12. Surfer SEO

Surfer delivers weekly SEO reports highlighting new angles to explore like rising keywords or topics. Its AI outline generator structures long-form content while insights show where and how to optimize pages through its audit feature.

13. PageSpeed Insights

A free Google-backed tool, PageSpeed Insights evaluates page loading performance which is a core ranking signal. The AI pinpoints technical issues slowing sites and provides optimization recommendations.

14. Scalenut

Scalenut bundles several AI features into one platform. This includes an AI assistant to draft optimized blog posts, keyword research tools analyzing search volume data, and a content optimization editor.

15. Pictory

Pictory makes it simple to integrate high quality, SEO-optimized videos into pages through its AI video creation capabilities. Transcripts can be imported and edited videos/videos summaries with captions generated automatically.

16. Nitro Pack

Nitro Pack deploys a suite of AI-powered tools to intelligently optimize images, cache pages, minify code and more to accelerate loading speeds - a core factor for user experience and search rankings.

17. Neuraltext

Through AI-based keyword research, content briefings, and internal linking suggestions, Neuraltext automates time-consuming optimization tasks. It also generates ad copies based on large branded datasets.

17 Essential AI Tools for SEO in 2023 and Beyond

Putting AI SEO Tools to Work

The tools above streamline everything from keyword and topic research to content drafting, technical optimizations and real-time alerts on changes. Together, they form a cohesive approach that takes the guesswork out of SEO. 

With so many options available, marketers must determine the right mix of applications tailored to specific business and technical needs. Although requiring setup, these AI systems pay for themselves through the massive time savings and actionable optimizations they deliver at scale.

See more: A Detailed Guide to Using Local SEO to Optimize Your Small Business Website and Outgrow the Competition in 2023

Key Benefits of AI for SEO

Some overarching benefits SEO and marketing professionals gain by leveraging the artificial intelligence capabilities above include:

- Increased content output without compromising on quality or optimizations

- Access to real-time insights on ranking fluctuations and new opportunities  

- Identification of technical issues affecting performance faster 

- Automation of repetitive tasks like keyword research freeing up time

- Personalized strategies based on each domain's unique wiring and challenges

- Continuous monitoring and improvement suggestions to stay ahead of algorithms

17 Essential AI Tools for SEO in 2023 and Beyond

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do AI SEO tools typically cost?

Pricing varies but most offer free limited versions and paid tiers beginning at $50-100/month for basic features up to $500-1000/month for advanced enterprise plans. Overall, costs are lower than outsourcing equivalent work.

Can SMBs benefit from AI for SEO too?

Definitely - even free tools provide value and the cost is usually lower than hiring an agency. AI helps level the playing field versus larger competitors by automating tasks SMBs can't otherwise take on. 

What are some use cases for different business types?

Agencies can use AI to scale services. Ecommerce stores can optimize product pages. Local businesses gain insights on locations. Lead gen sites get content/ad template automation. The use cases vary but the goal is amplifying SEO through accelerated content and technical optimizations.


Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing digital marketing and enabling SEO professionals to achieve more with their efforts. The tools covered here automate labor-intensive tasks, provide data-backed recommendations and continuously monitor changes - empowering continuous improvement. 

Rather than replacing human creativity, judgment and strategy work, AI SEO applications augment marketers' capabilities. By offloading repetitive chores, teams can focus more on high-level optimization, testing new approaches and innovating. 

Looking ahead, these AI systems will become more sophisticated as machine learning algorithms ingest larger datasets. Marketers that start adopting available solutions now will gain valuable experience piloting the technology as it rapidly evolves. Success in search will increasingly rely on the intelligent assimilation of massive online signals that only AI can manage at scale.

In summary, SEO professionals ignoring advances in AI do so at their own risk. These technologies streamline processes, scale efforts and most importantly, empower data-backed decision making that simply wasn't possible before. Utilizing the right mix of AI SEO tools gives businesses a powerful competitive advantage in connecting customers to their online offerings.

I hope this in-depth look at 17 top AI SEO tools has provided value in exploring how to apply artificial intelligence strategically. Please let me know if any other questions come up!

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