Best Web3 Marketing Agencies [Top Picks For 2023]

Web3 is the next generation of the internet, where users have more control, ownership, and privacy over their data and digital assets. Web3 is powered by blockchain technology, which enables decentralized applications (DApps) that run on peer-to-peer networks without intermediaries. Web3 is also known as the decentralized web, the open web, or the semantic web.

If you are a Web3 entrepreneur, developer, or creator, you might be wondering how to market your project to the masses. How do you reach potential users, investors, and partners in this new and evolving space? How do you stand out from the crowd and build trust and credibility in a decentralized world?

One way to answer these questions is to hire a Web3 marketing agency. A Web3 marketing agency is a specialized service provider that helps Web3 projects with their branding, strategy, content, community, PR, SEO, and more. A Web3 marketing agency understands the unique challenges and opportunities of the Web3 ecosystem and can help you craft a compelling story and message that resonates with your target audience.

But how do you choose the best Web3 marketing agency for your project? There are many factors to consider, such as their experience, portfolio, reputation, pricing, and communication. To help you with your decision, we have compiled a list of the top picks for Web3 marketing agencies in 2023. These are some of the most reputable and reliable agencies that have proven track records of delivering results for Web3 clients.

What is a Web3 Marketing Agency?

A Web3 marketing agency is a service provider that helps Web3 projects with their marketing needs. A Web3 marketing agency can offer various services, such as:

- Branding: Creating a unique identity and voice for your project that reflects your vision, mission, values, and personality.

- Strategy: Developing a clear and actionable plan for achieving your marketing goals and objectives.

- Content: Producing high-quality and engaging content for your website, blog, social media, newsletter, whitepaper, pitch deck, etc.

- Community: Building and nurturing a loyal and active community of users, fans, supporters, influencers, etc.

- PR: Generating positive media coverage and exposure for your project across relevant channels and platforms.

- SEO: Optimizing your website and content for search engines to increase your organic traffic and visibility.

- Analytics: Measuring and analyzing your marketing performance and ROI using data and insights.

A Web3 marketing agency can help you with one or more of these services depending on your needs and budget.

Why Do You Need a Web3 Marketing Agency?

Marketing is essential for any business or project to succeed in today's competitive and dynamic market. However, marketing a Web3 project is not the same as marketing a traditional or web2 project. There are some unique challenges and opportunities that require a different approach and mindset.

Some of the challenges of marketing a Web3 project are:

- Complexity: Web3 projects are often based on complex and technical concepts that are hard to explain and understand for the average user.

- Regulation: Web3 projects are subject to various legal and regulatory uncertainties and risks that can affect their viability and legitimacy.

- Trust: Web3 projects are often perceived as risky, volatile, or scammy by the mainstream audience due to the lack of transparency, accountability, or quality assurance.

- Competition: Web3 projects face fierce competition from other similar or alternative projects in the same or adjacent niches.

- Awareness: Web3 projects have limited reach and exposure to the mass market due to the low adoption and penetration of blockchain technology.

Some of the opportunities of marketing a Web3 project are:

- Innovation: Web3 projects are at the forefront of innovation and disruption in various industries and sectors, offering new solutions and value propositions to existing problems or needs.

- Engagement: Web3 projects can leverage the power of community, gamification, incentives, and social proof to create a strong and loyal fan base and network effect.

- Differentiation: Web3 projects can stand out from the crowd and create a competitive edge by highlighting their unique features, benefits, and advantages over their rivals or incumbents.

- Education: Web3 projects can educate and inform their audience about the potential and impact of blockchain technology and Web3 on society and the economy.

- Collaboration: Web3 projects can collaborate and partner with other Web3 projects, platforms, or organizations to create synergies and mutual benefits.

To overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities of marketing a Web3 project, you need a Web3 marketing agency that can help you with the following:

- Expertise: A Web3 marketing agency has the knowledge and experience of working with Web3 projects and understands the nuances and best practices of the Web3 ecosystem.

- Resources: A Web3 marketing agency has the tools and skills to execute your marketing strategy and deliver high-quality results in a timely and cost-effective manner.

- Network: A Web3 marketing agency has the connections and relationships with relevant media outlets, influencers, communities, platforms, etc. that can help you amplify your message and reach your target audience.

- Creativity: A Web3 marketing agency has the ability to craft a compelling story and message that resonates with your audience and showcases your value proposition and differentiation.

- Flexibility: A Web3 marketing agency can adapt and adjust to your changing needs and preferences as your project evolves and grows.

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How to Choose a Web3 Marketing Agency?

Choosing a Web3 marketing agency is not an easy task. There are many factors to consider before making a decision. Here are some of the most important ones:

- Experience: How long has the agency been in business? How many Web3 projects have they worked with? What kind of results have they achieved for their clients?

- Portfolio: What are some of the examples of their previous work? How do they showcase their creativity, quality, and effectiveness?

- Reputation: What are some of the testimonials or reviews from their past or current clients? How do they handle feedback or complaints?

- Pricing: How much do they charge for their services? How do they structure their fees? Do they offer any discounts or guarantees?

- Communication: How do they communicate with their clients? How often do they provide updates or reports? How responsive are they to your queries or requests?

- Culture: How do they align with your vision, mission, values, and goals? How do they fit with your team and culture? How do they handle conflicts or disagreements?

To find the best Web3 marketing agency for your project, you should do some research, compare different options, ask for referrals or recommendations, request proposals or quotes, conduct interviews or consultations, and negotiate terms and conditions.

Best Web3 Marketing Agencies in 2023

Here are our top picks for the best Web3 marketing agencies in 2023:

1. Fintech24h

Fintech24h is a reputable blockchain marketing agency headquartered in Vietnam, founded by Vincent Nguyen, a seasoned marketer with years of experience advising and implementing marketing strategies for various industries, Fintech24h was inspired by the potential of blockchain technology and developed a comprehensive marketing solution to support development projects in the blockchain field and beyond.

With a team of experts and a broad customer and partner base worldwide, Fintech24h offers a range of services including go-to-market strategy, authority building, growth initiatives, community management, PR and media outreach, social media marketing, content creation, and more. The company's unique marketing model, combined with its expertise and experience, has established it as a leader in the blockchain marketing industry.

Fintech24h's plug & play marketing model with an OKR framework streamlines the marketing process and enables customers to achieve their marketing goals faster and more efficiently. The company tracks and optimizes all key campaign metrics and KPIs, and provides reporting and analysis to ensure that the marketing strategy delivers the desired results.

With a proven track record of working with some of the top blockchain projects globally, Fintech24h has helped these projects increase their brand awareness, user acquisition, community engagement, and revenue. The company's reputation for delivering high-quality results for customers and partners is a testament to its expertise and commitment to excellence.

2. is a full-stack blockchain development PR firm that offers a wide range of services for finance, cryptocurrencies, and B2B marketing. They have worked with successful companies such as Polkadot, Trust Wallet, Dopamine, Decent, Probit, Bull Perks, and Fantom. Their services include website creation, mobile app development, email marketing, influencer marketing, blockchain development, video development, content management, and organic and sponsored media. uses graphic media and branding techniques to offer unmatched services in digital media promotion. They engage audiences on their preferred channels to create lasting connections that increase trust. also offers tried-and-true methods for increasing revenue, paid media experts to help maximize ROI on advertising expenditures, and feature-rich and user-friendly website design to improve the consumer experience. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

3. is a specialized company that focuses on Web 3.0 media projects, including game systems, ecosystems, and metaverse projects. They offer cutting-edge promotion techniques and serve clients worldwide. has partners such as Algorand, Celo, Chiliz, Flow, and Ledger. They provide management of partners and involvement of academia, experts, and suppliers, partner recognition, working together with partners, partner scouting for business units, partner selection, contract administration, and handling of opportunities. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

4. Neoreach: 

Neoreach is a full-service marketing firm that focuses on distributed teams, Web3-based targets, and decentralized initiatives. Their deep grasp of core blockchain audiences and technologies enables them to offer a full marketing strategy from conception through execution. Neoreach provides top-notch tools for secondary market amplification strategies, launches, timeframes for NFT minting, and support. They also enhance campaign content, retarget consumers, and launch paid advertising from influencer profiles to increase conversions and credibility across social channels such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Neoreach oversees every step of an influencer campaign, including introduction, contract negotiations, deployment, shipping, and payment, and keeps up relationships for follow-up activations. They also syndicate influencer content using a knowledgeable strategy for paid media and user acquisition. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

5. AskGalore: 

AskGalore is a value-creation services provider founded in 2018, specializing in new tech-age services. Their services include blockchain application, NFT marketplace development, mobile app development, software development, full-stack web development, cyber security, and AI development, among others. AskGalore is an authority on content management, digital marketing, graphic design, and SEO marketing, and participates in emerging businesses such as software development, healthcare, and education sectors. Their key features include a collection of handiwork that achieved excellent visibility for their clients, innovative ideas, stunning designs, and robust digital technology for their partners, and a prime focus on delivering the best results to their clients. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

6. Unicsoft: 

Unicsoft offers AI and blockchain development services to startups and businesses in various industries. Their services include blockchain, artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, and other fundamental technologies. Unicsoft can assist in bringing cutting-edge technology to your project and help you get the right kind of traffic. They offer financial services to businesses for risk control, security enhancement, and operational optimization using the latest technologies. Unicsoft uses blockchain technology to ensure safety and create transparency across the entire supply chain. They also provide wallet development and web 3 development services. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

7. Interexy: 

Interexy is a mobile app development company that focuses on Web 3.0 technology. They offer unparalleled web development solutions and have worked with top companies such as Pampers, GE, SAP, and the $11M NFT launch – Lil Durk NFT Drop with Gary Vee Involved – American rapper with the best album award 2022. Interexy offers excellent services for back-end development and Web 3.0 marketing. They provide in-depth knowledge of specialized blockchain services and advanced consulting methodologies. Their team blends cutting-edge techniques and technologies with proven, audited, and gas-efficient solutions. Interexy employs the best blockchain and NFT engineers in the industry. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

8. Rehab Agency: 

Rehab Agency is an AI-powered company that offers unmatched Web 3.0 and NFT provisions. They assist their clients in creating outstanding marketing plans and business concepts to stand out from the competition. Rehab Agency has worked with top companies such as Google, Nike, Estee Lauder, and Amazon, and has implemented many successful projects for them. They have collaborated with numerous other brands, including Spotify, to develop an exciting new strategy for informing parents about the Spotify Kids app. Rehab Agency has created, developed, and launched digital products and services for some of the largest businesses in the world. Their web 3 technology is a combination of high-end technology and great ideas. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

9. Web3: 

Web3 provides a range of services under the same roof, including web design and development, SEO, and PPC advertising. They aim to help businesses achieve industry dominance and add long-term value to their business. Web3 offers quick execution of plans and has worked with well-known companies such as Panorama and Kingston Fox. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

10. Mooning: 

Mooning offers metaverse and web 3.0 solutions with unique services, utilizing AI-driven technologies to help you outperform your rivals. They also offer exceptional NFT development options to move your firm to a higher position. Mooning provides a team of Web3.0 legends, expert Metaverse counsel, and NFT consulting services. Backed by a wealth of successful campaigns for numerous businesses, they go above and beyond to achieve the same results for you. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

11. Epic Playdate: 

Epic Playdate is a web3-focused creative marketing consultancy that guides brands to the future. They help their customers learn, transition, and conceptualize effective brand messaging and experiences through their Web3 tapestry. With a team of creative and vivacious designers, artists, and engineers, they excel at offering captivating and unique visual representations and designs. Epic Playdate provides consultation for established businesses and the Takenomics Strategy, and positions Web3 brands with a value-prop focus. They are currently collaborating with We3, one of the top web 3.0 networks. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

12. Web3 Consulting: 

Web3 Consulting is a global company that offers premium comprehensive internet marketing strategies to a discerning clientele. They provide specialized SEO techniques, refined website analysis, online PR, marketing, and content strategies for a complete online services package. Web3 Consulting promotes their clients' projects using automated data marketing techniques, and also offers project development and optimization services, marketing, branding, and promotion of cryptocurrencies. They comprehend the fundamentals of web3 and blockchain, which aids in user trust. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

13. Single Grain: 

Single Grain is a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in Web 3.0 marketing. They can amplify your revenue with personalized blockchain marketing strategies and have a team of experts skilled in PR, branding, website design, SEO, paid media, CRO, and more. They offer customized packages, allowing businesses to choose the products and services that make the most sense. Single Grain helps Web3.0 firms create high-impact marketing funnels and PPC campaigns to increase profitability. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

14. Lunar Strategy: 

Lunar Strategy specializes in Web3, crypto, and DeFi, providing customized campaigns for each client's specific requirements. They offer paid ads, social media management, influencer marketing, community building, SEO, and landing page optimization services. Lunar Strategy has worked with successful Defi applications like Nobility Token and Kounatori and provides content promotion services to help clients' Web3 content get more views. They have a vast network that connects initiatives with the right influencers and investors, making them the best influencer agency for Web3 initiatives. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

15. GuerrillaBuzz:

GuerrillaBuzz is a specialized Web3 PR and marketing agency that helps startups and brands enhance their visibility, credibility, and trust with the Web3 community through PR and growth initiatives. With vast experience in public relations, growth marketing, and creative strategies, GuerrillaBuzz assists startups in scaling their businesses. Their clients include top projects like CoinGecko, Tatum, Bancor,, and MEXC Exchange. GuerrillaBuzz offers comprehensive PR campaigns that resonate with target audiences, dedicated SEO and growth services, and branding services such as website makeover, explainer film creation, one-pagers and decks, and comprehensive project advisory consultation. They provide a ready-to-market branding strategy. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

See more: Web3 Influencer Agencies: Choosing the Right Partner to Grow Your Blockchain Brand

Things To Consider While Choosing Digital Marketing Agencies

When choosing a digital marketing agency, it's important to consider the potential benefits of Web 3.0 PR. As this technology improves and gains wider adoption, it is likely to become increasingly important in the marketing landscape. However, before engaging a Web 3.0 agency, it's essential to ensure that your product or brand is well-established and has distinctive branding. This will ensure that your business is recognizable and can function consistently throughout your marketing efforts.

To find the right Web3.0 marketing agency for your business, it's important to research and evaluate potential firms carefully. Consider factors such as their experience, reputation, and range of services offered. Set up meetings with each agency to discuss your project's objectives, goals, and key success factors. This will help you to understand their approach and how they operate, enabling you to make an informed decision about which agency is the best fit for your business.

In summary, choosing the right digital marketing agency is crucial for businesses looking to take advantage of the benefits of Web 3.0 PR. By ensuring that your product or brand is well-established and distinctive, and by evaluating potential agencies carefully, you can find a partner that will help you to achieve your marketing goals and stay ahead of the competition in the rapidly-evolving Web 3.0 landscape.


To stay ahead of the competition and take advantage of the latest developments in the digital marketing landscape, working with a Web3 marketing firm can be highly beneficial for many projects. Their professionals can create a plan that prioritizes clients and launches effective marketing campaigns that keep Web 3 businesses one step ahead of the competition. Additionally, they can help any project find the right resources to target a specific market and locate the right audience. With their expertise, Web3 agencies can turn a marketing strategy into effective communication that drives accelerated growth and positions businesses as leaders in their industry.

By understanding what the top Web 3 marketing agencies can accomplish for your business, you can start your search for the one that best aligns with your goals and objectives. If not all agencies are a perfect fit, don't give up – keep searching until you find the right partner for your business.

In summary, a Web3 marketing firm can be a valuable asset for any business that needs to stay on top of the latest developments in the Web 3.0 era. They can launch effective marketing campaigns that prioritize clients and help businesses find the right resources to target a specific market. With their expertise, Web3 agencies can turn a marketing strategy into effective communication that drives accelerated growth and positions businesses as leaders in their industry.

In the competitive world of blockchain, having a multitude of ideas is not enough to guarantee success. Only the best strategies can propel your platform to the forefront of the market. At Fintech24h, we understand this and strive to help you win your place in the blockchain industry.

Our team of experts can assist you in crafting effective media campaigns and marketing strategies tailored to your specific blockchain platform. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in this industry and can provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed.

Don't leave your success to chance. Partner with Fintech24h and let us help you win your blockchain competition.


1. What is a Web3 marketing agency?

A Web3 marketing agency is a platform that assists companies in using the power of blockchain technology to expand NFT projects digitally and strategically connect with new clients to increase revenue.

2. What are the benefits of working with a Web3 marketing agency?

Working with a Web3 marketing agency can provide numerous benefits, including accelerated growth, heightened brand awareness and authority, and positioning businesses as leaders within their niche and beyond. They can help businesses launch effective marketing campaigns that prioritize clients and find the right resources to target a specific market.

3. How can I find the right Web3 marketing agency for my business?

To find the right Web3 marketing agency for your business, it's important to understand what they can accomplish for you and to evaluate potential partners based on their experience, reputation, and range of services offered. Set up meetings with each agency to discuss your project's objectives, goals, and key success factors. This will help you to understand their approach and how they operate, enabling you to make an informed decision about which agency is the best fit for your business.

4. What is an NFT marketing agency?

An NFT marketing agency is a company that specializes in creating digital assets for marketing purposes using blockchain technology. Unlike a digital marketing agency, an NFT agency specializes in developing and executing campaigns to promote NFTs.

5. Is it worth it to hire an NFT marketing agency?

It's worth collaborating with an experienced NFT marketing agency that has a proven track record in achieving incredible results, particularly when it comes to achieving the highest sale price for your NFT artwork.

6. What should I consider before hiring a Web3 public relations agency?

Before hiring a Web3 public relations agency, it's important to ensure that your business has already invested in itself with a well-designed web page, active blog, great copy, and strong on-page SEO. These foundations are crucial for building a successful PR campaign.

7. Why is a digital marketing strategy important?

A digital marketing strategy involves an assessment of specific goals that are achievable through online channels. In an era when many consumers transact business on their mobile devices, a well-executed digital marketing strategy can be crucial to organizational success.

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